Recap of the Dailymotion Advertising
x Stratégies Event in Paris
In the rapidly expanding digital video advertising market, contextual targeting has become an indispensable strategic tool for achieving your marketing objectives. It is with this realization that Stratégies, the well-known media outlet, and Dailymotion Advertising organized a dedicated event. This event provided an opportunity to explore how artificial intelligence is transforming contextual targeting, thereby enhancing the performance of advertising campaigns.
On April 25, 2024, Dailymotion Advertising and Stratégies welcomed nearly 100 marketing and advertising professionals at Morning Bourse in Paris, to delve into the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on contextual advertising targeting, with journalist Didier Si Ammour leading the event.
Agenda and Speakers
The event kicked off with a breakfast and networking starting at 9 AM.
The speakers then followed:
- Cyril Brun from Dailymotion and Pierre Raoul from the Havas Media Group discussed AI analysis in advertising
- Hélène Deriac from Values Media and Hamza Kourimate from Dailymotion presented on cookieless audience targeting
- Bruno Latapie from Dailymotion, Magali Elbaz from SEB, and Edith Glacet from Club Med explored how to adapt advertising campaigns to consumer behaviors
A lively Q&A session concluded the presentations.
Missed it? We have the recording for you right there: