Success Stories

Dacia drives full-funnel engagement with an attention-focused digital campaign

  • Market Europe
  • Industry Automobile

Context of the campaign

Dacia, a renowned automotive brand, aimed to enhance brand awareness, engagement, and purchase intent in France through a full-funnel digital campaign. The objective was to leverage Dailymotion Attention Program to maximize the effectiveness of various ad formats and drive comprehensive brand engagement.

Innovative Video Strategy

Dacia implemented a multifaceted strategy involving four distinct ad formats, each offering unique engagement opportunities. The campaign included regular pre-roll videos, and custom ad experiences to maximize the impact on each stage of the marketing funnel. The key formats used were:

  • Classic: Focused on core messaging and video content.
  • Skin Static: Maintained brand visibility and messaging throughout the video.
  • Skin Animated: Enhanced with animations to reinforce brand elements and key messages.
  • Skin Hotspot: Interactive format encouraging user interaction and deeper engagement.

As part of the Dailymotion Attention Program, each ad experience was tested using the Lumen eye-tracking panel to assess the impact on attention and brand items generated by each ad.


Viewability Rate


Attention per 1000 than Youtube Skippable Ad


Click Through Rate

A Resounding Success

The Dacia campaign achieved significant success, with high CTR and VTR, indicating strong audience engagement. The various ad formats, especially the interactive Skin Hotspot, generated higher attention and recall, effectively enhancing brand perception and purchase intent. The strategic use of enriched formats ensured that the campaign resonated well with the audience, driving comprehensive engagement across all stages of the marketing funnel.

This successful campaign underscores Dacia’s commitment to innovative digital marketing strategies and its ability to effectively leverage attention to drive brand engagement and conversion. Created by Dailymotion Advertising, the campaign allowed Dacia to test unique and innovative strategies. The partnership with Dailymotion and the thorough measurement of engagement metrics ensured that the campaign not only met but exceeded its objectives, reinforcing Dacia’s position in the automotive market.

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