Media planning hub

Refine your Campaign Precision

Drive smarter campaigns,
deliver tangible outcomes.

We’ll guide you
every step of the
way to success

1. Audience Planning

We design targeting strategies that scale & achieve results, without relying on third party cookies.
Identify Seeds & Explore Behaviors

We use our first-party data and/or personalized surveys to identify & understand your target audience.

Build & Scale Audiences

Relying on contextual technologies, we build scalable audiences, on-demand, without third-party cookies.

Activate & Connect

We engage & connect with your desired audience across our secured video ecosystem.

Or engage with a list of pre-built audiences

We help advertisers understand, shape, and engage audiences leveraging user knowledge and contextual technologies.

Students Publisher
Fast Food
Athletes On Mobile
Vegan Diet
Foodies At Lunch
Soccer Lovers
Luxury Enthusiasts
Tech Mavens
Frequent Travellers
Passions & Interests
Car Buyers
Organic Food Buyers
Future Home Owners
Heavy e-Shoppers
Purchase Intentions

1. Audience Planning

We design targeting strategies that scale & achieve results, without relying on third party cookies.


1/3 Identify Seeds & Explore Behaviors

We use our first-party data and/or personalized surveys to identify & understand your target audience.

Students Publisher
Fast Food
Athletes On Mobile
Vegan Diet
Foodies At Lunch
2/3 Build & Scale Audiences

Relying on contextual technologies, we build scalable audiences, on-demand, without third-party cookies.

Students Publisher
Fast Food
Athletes On Mobile
Vegan Diet
Foodies At Lunch
3/3 Activate & Connect

We engage & connect with your desired audience across our secured video ecosystem.

Students Publisher
Fast Food
Athletes On Mobile
Vegan Diet
Foodies At Lunch


Or engage with a list of pre-built audiences
Soccer Lovers
Luxury Enthusiasts
Tech Mavens
Frequent Travellers
Passions & Interests
Car Buyers
Organic Food Buyers
Future Home Owners
Heavy e-Shoppers
Purchase Intentions

2. Creative Planning

Partner with us to test, analyze and magnify your campaign video asset.
Dailymotion Studio

Message Testing

We provide analysis, report, and recommendations on the perception of audiences with the advertising messages.

Creative Attention Testing

A deep-dive study leveraging eye-tracking to shape attention-optimized creatives.

3. Distribution & Optimization

Smart Performance, Secured by Experts.

Dynamic Performance

24/7 Campaign Health Check & Optimization

Powered by AI, we utilize historical campaign data and real-time information to monitor and optimize your video campaign performances, dynamically.

Learn More

4. Measurement & Recommendations

Your campaign impact beyond media KPIs
Post campaign measurement

Insight Report

Measure campaign performance objectively and gain actionable insights into your engaged audience.

Deep dive into your campaign KPIs.

Profiling of your engaged audiences.

Recommendations from Data & Insight team.

Brand Lift Study

Analyze the impact of your campaign on desired Marketing indicators, across the entire funnel.

Our Partners


We shape custom reportings with highly detailed analysis and provide strategic business guidance.
Contact Us

Quarterly Insights Review


Attention Reports


Audience Barometers


KPI Barometers

Go Beyond media KPIs

Market Research &
Consumer Behavior Studies

In-depth, actionable research using personalized questionnaires and Dailymotion data.

Industry Trends

Uncover actionable insights to thrive in your ever-evolving market.

Competitive Situation

Gain a strategic edge with a comprehensive understanding of your market position and key competitors.

Brand Perception

Shape your brand narrative with insights into consumer perceptions and loyalty.

Purchasing Drivers

Unlock the secrets behind consumer choices in your industry.