CANAL+ Brand Solutions strengthens data synergies with the Vivendi Group to optimize TV campaigns

CANAL+ BRAND SOLUTIONS can now cross-reference TV consumption from millions of CANAL+ subscriber boxes with content viewed on Prisma Media sites as well as videos watched on Dailymotion.
This advancement allows the advertising agency of the CANAL+ Group to offer its clients insights into the TV consumption habits of specific target audiences, defined notably by their online behavior, and to identify the best contexts and screens to reach them on television. A first catalog of targets has been developed, and these audiences can be addressed digitally as well as through segmented TV.
Thanks to this innovation, CANAL+ BRAND SOLUTIONS was able to offer Yves Rocher, accompanied by their agency Jellyfish, to inaugurate this solution by targeting highly engaged audiences on the advertising agency’s TV channels, identified based on their behavior on Prisma Media sites, a digital leader in feminine themes. This targeting proved highly effective, generating a +29% uplift in visits to the brand’s website compared to the socio-demo targeting usually activated.
CANAL+ BRAND SOLUTIONS continues to strengthen its commitment to advertisers by offering advertising solutions that allow them to optimize their coverage of strategic business targets.
Fabrice Mollier, President of CANAL+ BRAND SOLUTIONS, states: “Television is enriched with data. We are investing heavily in these areas and are seeking to capitalize as much as possible on the assets of the Vivendi Group to bring our clients ever more relevance and performance to their campaigns.”
Bruno Latapie, VP Sales France at Dailymotion Advertising, comments: “We are delighted to be able to exploit the full potential of this data synergy today and continue to push the boundaries of television advertising. This close collaboration allows us to leverage the wealth of data and resources within the group, creating a more powerful and relevant advertising offering for our advertisers. By joining forces with CANAL+ Brand Solutions and Prisma Media, we are able to offer innovative advertising solutions that transform the way brands interact with their audience on our platforms.”
About Canal+ Brand Solutions
A subsidiary of the CANAL+ Group, CANAL+ BRAND SOLUTIONS is the advertising agency for 36 media brands, including CANAL+, C8, CSTAR, CNEWS, Eurosport & Discovery brands, RTL9, OQEE Ciné, myCANAL, UGC, and the Grand Rex, offering brands innovative communication solutions in TV, Digital, Cinema, Data, and Brand content.
Contact CANAL+ BRAND SOLUTIONS: – 06 46 47 17 73
About Dailymotion Advertising
Dailymotion Advertising is Dailymotion’s video marketing platform, the leading French video audience, with an ecosystem of over 3000 professional content publishers using the Dailymotion player (Le Monde, Canal +, Bein Sports…). Dailymotion Advertising offers a qualitative and safe environment for brands looking to run high-performing and transparent video advertising campaigns. Dailymotion Advertising also stands out with its integrated creative studio and insights department.
Contact Dailymotion Advertising
Emilie Exertier